Dear visitors of this website, beloved friends,
We are happy to announce good news: The Sixteenth International Festival of Chamber Choirs and Vocal Ensembles − Concepts, awarded by the European Festival Association EFFE, will be held in Kragujevac from August 17 to August 21 of the upcoming 2025!
This is firstly a festival of new program ideas in design (dramaturgy) and the good realization of the whole-evening concerts (events, happenings, choral-theatrical shows, etc.) of chamber choirs and vocal ensembles. Understandably, this “new concert outfit” can be made equally well from new as well as old musical material, while its representation can contain various types and forms of syntheses of different arts and media.
Apart from this main program, there will be other joint work – ateliers (studios), forums, seminars, round tables, etc., together with the pleasures of socializing and tours to cultural, historical, and natural sights.
As always, the host city is Kragujevac, the fourth largest city in Serbia, the old Serbian capital, and the economic and cultural center of the central Serbian region of Šumadija. Some of the concerts will be held in several nearby towns and spas – negotiations are ongoing.
Detailed rules of the Festival are stated on the page of this website – Festival Propositions. To get a glimpse of what it is about and what it looks like, you can also see a part of the material from previous festival sessions on the festival website.
The conditions are quite favorable: There is no participation fee. The organizer pays for accommodation, breakfast, and one daytime meal.
The application deadline is February 28, 2025! The final selection of choirs and ensembles will be made and delivered to applicants by March 31, 2025.
Call, write, ask, suggest!

The International Festival of Chamber Choirs and Vocal Ensembles was founded in 1995, on the initiative of the City Assembly of Kragujevac and the Academic Chamber Choir Liceum from Kragujevac.
The author of the basic concept of the Festival is Acad. Prof. Dr. Miloje Nikolic, founder and longtime artistic director and conductor of the choir Liceum, full-time professor at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade.
The main program direction of the Festival is the presentation of rounded program concepts of all-night concerts of chamber choirs and vocal ensembles – presentation of the results of sound and theoretical-musicological research in the field of program dramaturgy, for small choral and vocal ensembles (with or without instrumental accompaniment). A research that goes beyond the traditional framework of a choir concert and makes a step towards a conceptual syncretic (multimedia) artistic event is also possible. However, it should be designed in a way that group singing is still in the foreground.
Besides, since its establishment, the following important goals of the Festival were determined:
– Nurturing the noble sound of ensembles in different singing styles;
– Stimulating the founding, work, and development of chamber choirs and vocal ensembles;
– Presenting the results of chamber choirs and vocal ensembles in front of the home and foreign audiences, as well as exchanging experiences in direct artistic contacts with reputable chamber choirs and vocal ensembles and experts in their organization and artistic leadership, from the country and abroad;
– Giving incentives to composers to write new works for chamber choirs and vocal ensembles, as well as to establish stronger direct cooperation between composers and chamber choirs and vocal ensembles;
– Enriching the musical life of the country, especially of the city of Kragujevac and central Serbia.
The festival is organized biennially, in odd years.